Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Cookies

Given the season, I'm inspired to bake something pumpkin-y. We have a number of gatherings this week, so these iced pumpkin cookies will serve many.

I've made these many times and like to add raisins to some of the cookie dough for variety. When my kids help bake them, we usually end up adding chocolate chips to another portion of the dough. They all taste great!

To add more depth to the flavor, I will also substitute whole wheat flour for half the white flour, and a 1/2 cup brown sugar for some of the white sugar. Get the original recipe here.

I enjoy baking with pumpkin and stocking the freezer with homemade treats that are easy to pull out for snacks and desserts. By Christmas time, our freezer will be overflowing with a variety of foods from the harvest to take us through the cold winter months.

What's your favorite pumpkin recipe? I'm always looking for something new to bake...

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