Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cabbage Soup

Years ago I followed the Weight Watchers diet. This recipe for cabbage soup is still one of my favorite soup recipes. I usually double the recipe and divide it up into single serve portions. It freezes well and tastes even better after reheating.

Since my favorite grower at our local farmer's market gave me a huge head of cabbage this week, I'm making a big pot of this vegetable soup today. But instead of freezing the extras, I'm going to be delivering some to a couple neighbors. One family just had a baby; so this along with a warm loaf of bread will be a no-hassle dinner for them. Another friend is recovering from surgery and I plan to visit her tomorrow. This will be easy enough for her to heat up and have for lunch or dinner this week.

There's nothing like a warm bowl of soup and a slice of fresh bread to welcome friends and build community. What's your favorite soup? We usually have a pot on every weekend and I'm always looking to try a new recipe.

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